To be the leading provider of high-quality hearing aids and related services, and to improve the quality of life for people with hearing loss by enabling them to connect with the world around them.

Ear Moulds: Understanding Their Role in Your Life

An ear mould is a custom-made earpiece designed to fit in the ear canal. It is used to help conduct sound from a hearing aid or communication device. With advancements in technology, there are various types of ear mould available. Discover the benefits and how they work.

The Importance of Customization


Ear Moulds is unique to each individual and help ensure maximum comfort and sound quality.

Improved Hearing

Custom ear moulds can help improve hearing for those who need additional support.

The Evolution of Ear Moulds

Acrylic Moulds

These are commonly used in hearing aids and are lightweight. They can be clear or colored, making it a discreet option.

Silicone Moulds

These are softer and can provide a better fit for people with sensitive ear canals. They are also hypoallergenic.

Vinyl Moulds

These are the most flexible type of mould and can be fit snugly in the ear canal. They have good acoustic properties and can provide a comfortable fit.

Caring for Your Ear Moulds

Regular Cleaning

It is important to clean your ear moulds daily with soap and water and dry them thoroughly before use.


Store ear moulds in a cool and dry place and use a container when traveling to protect them.

Replace Regularly

Ear moulds should be replaced every six months to ensure maximum functionality and hygiene.
Questions and Answers

General FAQs

Yes, they can enhance your hearing as they help conduct sound directly into the ear canal.
It typically takes about a week to 10 days, as the ear mould needs to be made to fit your specific ear shape.
You should clean them daily with soap and water and dry them thoroughly before use.